How to Remove Bees Without Killing Them

Bees are important pollinators that help sustain the environment. Without bees, many plants, including food crops, wouldn’t be pollinated, which can lead to a decline in agriculture. Honeybees pollinate a large percentage of the crops we rely on for food. If there is a bee infestation on your property, it’s never a good idea to kill them. That’s why you can consider a more humane approach towards removing bees through methods that don’t involve bee-killing. Removing bees without killing them reduces this risk and allows the bee colony to continue its work. 

Here are some ways to remove bees from your home safely without killing them.

Use Gentle Smoke

When you decide to remove bees from your property, you should not try to use any chemicals, as these chemicals usually kill the bees. Killing bees is not a good option, which is against nature. You can use some natural ways to remove them. You can surely use gentle smoke so that they can leave their place and go somewhere else. Smoking is really effective for bee removal, but it also doesn’t mean that you set the bee hive on fire, as it can be really dangerous for the bees and for your home. Bees are sensitive to smell, and that’s why you can use scented smoke underneath their hive to scare them away safely. 

Repel Bees with Citronella

Citronella is a natural and safe way to repel bees without harming them. Although it’s considered useful as a mosquito repellant, it also works well for bee removal. The strong scent of citronella confuses bees and encourages them to leave the area. You can use citronella candles, sprays, or essential oils around the bees, where they have made a nest, to gently guide them away. If there is a strong infestation of bees in your home and if they enter your rooms, then you can use citronella products on your windows, doors, and entry points. This will prevent them from entering your home. 

Place Cinnamon Around the Hive

Cinnamon also works as a bee repellant, which is also a natural way to repel bees. Cinnamon has a strong, spicy, and woody smell. Bees rely heavily on their sense of smell, and cinnamon has a smell that bees don’t like. That’s why you can put some cinnamon around the bee hive. This will make them leave the place because of the smell. You can also put cinnamon where the bees usually move around, like around the flowers. Cinnamon should be placed at least for a week to see significant results. 

Relocate the Bee Colony with Bee Removal Services

One effective and the best way to avoid killing bees is to relocate their colony to another place safely. This method ensures that no bee is harmed. This process involves a lot of care and specialties. In this process, proper suits and gloves are required so that the bees don’t attack during their relocation. You can’t do this alone. You will surely need to call in a professional. You can call expert bee removal service providers so that they can safely handle everything while ensuring no bee is harmed.

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